Wednesday, 19 December 2012

lesson 5

   The cone Experience

The cone is a visual analogy analogy and like all analogies it does not bear an exact and detailed relationship to the complex elements it represents.

Dale explain that the individual bands of cone of experience stand for experiences that are fluid, and continually interact.
  • the different kinds of sensory aid often overlap and sometimes blend into one another.Motion pictures can be silent or they can combine sight and sound .student s may merely view demonstration they view it then participate in it. One kind of sensory experience is not necessarily more educationally useful than another and mixed interrelated.Too much reliance on concrete experience may actually obstruct the process of meaningful generation and balance between concrete and abstract.

so the cone is help to us to develop as to become teacher and bye this  we can help the student understand more  about education technology. Learning that will continue throughout life.....


 by:Edgar Dale's

The cone Experience

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